How Your Studio Can Benefit From Using Automated Emails


Email automation has become an effective way to communicate with existing and potential customers as it makes the marketing effort quick and effortless. Automation helps you spare hours on admin time and assists you in operating your business more efficiently. Although it makes sense to personalize some emails and send them out separately, most promotional emails can be prepared and sent out automatically based on tracked, predetermined characteristics such as customer behavior, previous interactions etc. The primary advantage of email automation lies in the ability to send highly personalized and relevant messages to the right prospects at a precise time when the chances for click and conversion are the highest.


There are several compelling reasons to automate your email correspondence:

  1. Save Time

It goes without saying that sending automated emails to a large number of prospects at once saves time. As a result, there's no need to repeat identical tasks for each specific client. The best part is that you can still customize the content of your campaign and personalize it to the customer’s characteristics.

  1. Minimize workload

Create automatic email workflows to communicate with as many prospects as you want, whenever you want. It decreases administrative time and costs associated with running individual marketing campaigns. With a few clicks you can set up workflows to personalize your emails and mass send them out to thousands of prospects.

  1. Boost client loyalty

Email automation is a great method of rejuvenating connections with clients who haven't been in contact with you or purchased from you in a while. This can be setup with automating client re-acquisition emails; campaigns designated to recapture and engage passive clients in the pipeline.

  1. Establish good customer relationships

To better appeal to the customers, it is important to make the emails as relevant to them as possible. Sending specifically targeted emails such as individual promotional codes increases client engagement and stimulates them into recurring spending patterns.


To optimize your marketing effort it’s important to combine and intertwine the use of promotional campaign level emails and automated emails. So, which emails should you focus on automating?

  1. Welcome emails

Making a good first impression is important in all spheres of life, especially in business where consumers are oversaturated with other alternatives. Make sure you greet them warmly and introduce your business appropriately to attract attention. As almost 48%
of welcome emails yield conversions it’s vital to make a favorable impression with the initial email.

Good things to include in the welcome email:
  • Your brand and its offerings
  • Your drive and passion
  • What they can expect from your classes/services
  • How to sign and access their account details
  • Where & when the classes are being held
  • Promotional discounts or welcome merchandise for new clients
  1. Cart abandonment

The second highest conversion rate yields the cart abandonment email automation. When customers add a product to their cart but never end up buying it, we can remind and motivate them towards completing the order. It’s a great way to shift the attention to the product and provide more information regarding it. Consumers will be even more inclined to purchase it if a promotional code or a discount is included. Almost 26% of cart abandonment emails yield in order completions.

  1. Happy Birthday

Small gestures of kindness can make a big difference. Wishing subscribers a happy birthday makes them feel unique and demonstrates your attention to detail. They will appreciate the consideration, especially if it includes a birthday discount or freebie. It’s an easy way to boost sales and increase customer loyalty. Birthday email automations might not have the biggest conversion rates, but they do however have the highest click rates. Make your subscribers feel special!

  1. Product abandonment

Tracking product website searches is a good way to get to know your customers better and target them correctly. When website visitors view certain products or product categories but do not end up purchasing them, we can target them to have a second look at the products they were initially interested in and provide them with alternative recommendations. Product abandonment emails have
the highest open rate, staggering 51%.

  1. Order and shipping confirmation

Automating order receipts and shipping confirmations has never been easier. In order to build up post-purchase excitement and establish a long term customer relationship, it’s important to automate such emails for clients to get information in a timely and organized manner.

  1. Waiting list reminders

Waiting lists are a good way to ensure resource optimization whilst keeping the customers happy. Once a class they desire to attend frees up, the client gets a notification. This automation helps fill your waitlist by reaching out to clients to fill last minute open slots.

To summarize, email automation is an effective way to keep your clients and prospects updated and engaged. If implemented correctly, the automated but personalized emails get about 300% more clicks than generic promotional campaigns; 34 percent of users who click on an automated email go on to purchase compared to 7 percent of campaign email clickers. Automated emails are a way to increase sales with minimal amount of input effort. High-intent emails such as welcome emails, happy birthday, cart and browse-abandonment emails yield higher open and click rates thus leading to higher conversion rates.

Final advice: Make sure the automation sequences are coherent and mutually exclusive to avoid conflicting messages, such as sending out new client emails based on a recurrent purchase to an existing client.