Trusted by top studios worldwide

Lead Management

Interactive Discovery Sessions

Offer leads the opportunity to experience your studio's community and services first-hand. Send custom communications about your variety of activities and entice them to sign up with welcome offers.

Interactive Discovery Sessions

Tailored Lead Engagement

Execute communication efforts that go beyond personalisation to align strategically with each member's individual journey. Effortlessly engage newcomers after their first session, nurturing them towards becoming dedicated members.

Tailored Lead Engagement

Revitalise your Community

100% Personalized Outreach

Reach out to each member in a personalised manner with Audience. Remind them of their membership, with tailored communication that resonates with their individual journey. It's about forging a connection that goes beyond the ordinary.

100% Personalized Outreach

Supercharge Studio Growth with Automated Multi-Channel Sequences

Audience takes your growth ambitions to new heights through automated multi-channel sequences. No more missed opportunities! Engage your members through the entirety of our marketing features, ensuring your studio remains top-of-mind.

Supercharge Studio Growth with Automated Multi-Channel Sequences

Unleash the Power of your Data

Centralized Data

Monitor and refine your strategies for heightened impact by analysing campaign data. Gain insights into member engagement, including entry and completion rates, and identify dropout points. This enables precise optimisation of every process step.

Centralized Data

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Join the 2000+ studios trusting bsport to manage their studio and make it grow.