Boost Your Business Online Via Live-Streaming & VOD


Participating in classes from the comfort of our own homes has become an emerging way of practising our favorite activities. COVID took away the freedom to move and practice sports in social settings, the alternative had to be found. The answer that was found was online individual and group practice. Live streaming, especially two-way live-streaming, along with video-on-demand has spread rapidly and it has become the “new normal”. 27% of fitness studios offered some sort of digital activity and the number has risen since the start of the Pandemic [New York Times, 2021] (

Diversifying the means of practice, either through personal contact through live-streaming or impersonal through VOD, has not only kept the studios going through the pandemic but has boosted their revenues and clientele. Regardless of the distance, real-time online classes help people connect and practice together.

Since the pandemic, the platform zoom has rapidly grown and has become a household name. When it comes to sports training, online practice poses many advantages, especially if the classes are provided as live-stream as well as video-on-demand. The client has the flexibility to practice whenever and wherever they prefer empowering them to stay consistent. A wide variety of online content makes it much easier for clients of different backgrounds to find something that works for them and their lifestyles. Many providers provide one or the other, usually separate from your current booking system. Bsport is one of the few solutions that provide all services in one platform to implement and manage your experience.

No Commuting

The hassle of driving through traffic to get to your class on time is over. Save yourself and your clients the time spent on commuting and let them dedicate it to higher priorities. Sparing them the commute and shortening the process to just rolling out their mat and pressing “join” on their computers, liberates them and increases the likelihood of participation. Clients can practice wherever they feel the most comfortable. The only prerequisite is an internet connection.

Cost Efficiency

The operating costs of running the business online are much lower, thus the profit can be maximized easily. Decreasing the class price to increase demand, whilst slowly reducing the cost can lead to resource optimization and ultimately higher profits. As the number of participants in live-stream classes is usually unlimited, the revenue stream becomes limitless.

Maximization of Participants

Live-streaming poses the solution to the maximum participant constraint. Not only is the space capacity problem solved, but also other safety issues. As everyone practices in the comfort of their own personal space, the possibility of disease transmission is reduced. This way, everyone can practice together but safely even if someone is feeling under the weather and still wants to participate.

Personal Contact Through Impersonal Means

Through two-way live-stream communication, the clients can interact with teachers, ask them questions and get feedback as if they were physically present. This decreases the risk of potential injuries due to incorrect practice, making the clients feel safe and cared for.

Flexibility - Anywhere, Anytime

Life can get hectic sometimes, so time optimization is of vital importance. Online classes accessible through VOD are the most flexible form of practice. Clients can choose between different videos and pick the one they want to do at a time and place best suited for them. This way, the client has the maximum flexibility to control and perform their physical activity

Private - Less Intimidating

Not everyone is comfortable with group practice, especially in the beginner phase, where nervousness and insecurity can kick in and cause the student to abandon the activity. VOD is perfect for beginners as it provides practice within the privacy of personal space. It caters to introverts as well as extroverts.

Videos are usually categorized and saved in an online library or rented for a specific period. Once the video is purchased, it can be retrieved and reviewed at any time, giving the client the possibility to revisit the class and rehearse multiple times.

Uncapped Business Potential

As the business is not limited by the doorstep of your studio, the potential for online growth in or outside your community is immense. Videos can attract practitioners from various backgrounds and locations. Just like Netflix or HBO, the number of clients and purchases is limitless.

Summing it up, the best way to reach new potential clients and better serve your current community is by offering something for every lifestyle. If you are searching for the right platform that offers both VOD and integrated streaming, don't hesitate to consider us.