Dancefloor Paris - Making the Switch


The Studio

Dancefloor Paris is a studio in the middle of France's famous capital. They are one of Paris’ biggest dance studios and are led at the helm by their owner Rachel Vanier. They hold a culture within their company of enjoyment and life fulfillment through the medium of dance and hard work. Rachel manages 30 teachers of all different personalities and styles who in turn take care of over 400+ students on a day-to-day basis. Its popularity as a dance school requires a premium system to help manage this huge workload that does exactly what is needed by Rachel, her teachers, and her students.

The Problem

The key here is that this system needs to also be growth-orientated and pain-free to use. Which was previously not the case for our client.

Before switching over to us here at Bsport, Rachel was previously working with Mindbody for her online platform solution. Her experience with them in her opinion caused her certain problems. She did not have a CRM that provided her with everything she needed to run her business as efficiently as she would have liked.

To receive added features she would have had to pay extra for them, this meant working with MindBody was becoming a more expensive platform than what they originally intended.

The difficulty of use with her previous provider’s platform also caused Rachel many problems. The user interface data was not very familiar to her so this caused her and her teachers problems trying to figure out how to use the system until the end of their tenure...

We reached out to Rachel after seeing her website online and identifying her as an excellent fit for what our platform at Bsport could provide for her business. We proposed taking a look together at how our platform provides top-of-the-line booking marketing and management for our clients. The studio uses both Facebook pixel and googles data to keep it easy and as user-friendly as possible for her, her teachers, and her students. We explained how we moved away from the common add-on-based platform model and included every aspect of our platform and also our app, for a single price point.

This provided Rachel with the possibility to run her business to its full potential while also cutting down on her admin time as she could do all of her previously time-consuming tasks from the same place. We gave her an overview of how we would work with Rachel to help streamline her online bookings and customer journey. And also demonstrated how we would bring in more revenue to her business. The question of switching over was something we could guarantee would be completed within a mere 48 hours of her signing over with us and that all of her onboarding would be taken care of free of charge.

The Next Steps

Our onboarding process entails:

  • The data migration
  • Setting up our clients' back end to their preferences
  • Teaching our clients how to use the platform until they are satisfied with the features and their functions*

To make the transition easier we have a dedicated account manager for each of our clients, who knows fully who they are talking to and how their business works. Our promise to our clients is that our migration will take a maximum of 48 hours, in this particular case the full switchover was done under 10 hours. Rachels's feedback on our onboarding was extremely positive and made her happy with our partners from the get-go. A relationship that Rachel is still delighted with and that we are proud to have.

The Result

Two years on from the beginning of our working relationship with Rachel her business has gone from strength to strength. She has increased her business's overall revenue by 20%. Increased the number of her clients by 200 people and is constantly expanding. She has achieved this by having a more streamlined company structure, solving issues she previously had by using our platform, and implementing our researched marketing strategies. We love having the whole Dancefloor Paris team on board with our vision and the feeling is mutual according to Rachel.

Our clients and teachers were ecstatic with the decision to change as they haven't experienced any issues with the new platform. The changeover and transition to Bsport couldn't have gone more perfect thanks to the guidance and constant check-ins by the team at Bsport -Rachel Vanier, Owner of Dancefloor Paris


Studios with huge requirements such as Dancefloor Paris need a platform that can help them manage all of their ever-growing demands. Bsport were able to handle their requests through detailed research and our constant bi-weekly updates, which our tech team tirelessly works on to keep us on top as one of the fastest-growing platforms on the market. Our in-depth research into our clients' feedback, helps us to always improve the services which we can provide for those studios who are partnered with us. This is the culture that we are proud to operate in here at Bsport and we would love to share this vision of constant improvement with as many people who feel the same way as our proud partners. If this sounds like you and you feel you like to join Rachel and hear more about what we have to offer. Take the first step and feel free to reach out to see how we can help your brand.