How to Reach Clients Through Email Marketing


You want to attract new members to your studio but you don't know where to start? Email campaigns are a great way to get the attention of potential new customers and bring back old ones.

Email marketing platforms are multiplying on the Internet, so you will be spoilt for choice. Most have advanced tools that will allow you to personalize your emails and target your recipients. But the best ones will allow you to follow key indicators such as the opening rate, the click rate, the reactivity rate, etc. This will give you indications of the impact of your campaigns and show the value of email marketing. Even better, it will sync directly with your list of contacts in your booking/management system or directly built-in. These systems give the best insight as you can see how opens and clicks lead to sales, send specific emails based on an "open" with no link click, or link clicks but no success based on campaign parameters like purchases or discount codes used.

How to succeed in your campaign?

After you found the right software that feedbacks the right information you need to work on a strategy. To do so, you need to think about the objective of your campaign and refine your contact list to target only people who match your campaign. If your segmentation is poorly done, you risk increasing your unsubscribe rate as well as having a low open rate. For instance, if you want to offer a new subscription formula for parent/child yoga classes, you should only send your email to parents.

Next, this is the email creation stage. To have a positive impact, this email must be interesting but also visually appealing. Do not forget to add your logo and call to action that redirects the customer to your website or offer.

The subject line of your email should be simple and short, it should successfully evoke an emotion in the reader like curiosity. For instance, you can write "We love watching our family grow!" to indicate the arrival of a new yoga teacher.

When your campaign is launched, you should be able to track many indicators: The bounce rate represents the rate of emails that could not be delivered to the prospect. The complaint rate represents the rate of emails declared as spam. The opening rate will allow you to know which contact has opened the email. The reactivity rate represents the percentage of people who opened the email AND clicked on a link. The unsubscribe rate represents the proportion of people who no longer wish to receive your emails. The conversion rate represents the proportion of sales generated.

Beware of data privacy!

Non-compliance with privacy laws such as GDPR or CPPA can lead to financial penalties for the company. To conform with this regulation you must have the consent of your contacts with for example a form. It is also necessary for most areas that your contacts can easily unsubscribe from your newsletter with clear instructions.

If you are still on the look for a solution that offers integrated marketing software with your booking and management system, remember that bsport offers just what you are looking for in marketing. Plus all the features you expect and more.