Time Management for Sports Trainers and Professionals


The sports industry has a round-the-clock schedule providing clients with the ability to train early in the morning or late in the evening. Nowadays as life is getting busier and more hectic by the day, it’s common to prioritize other tasks, pushing sports practice on the side whenever there is free time. Schedule management can be a struggle not only for those practicing sports, but also for those teaching and organizing it. Prioritizing their own schedule is something personal trainers and other sports professionals mostly do not have the luxury of. Oftentimes, they neglect their own personal time to cater to their clients.

Thus, it is vital to establish schedule management when working in the sports industry. If you cannot prioritize your own health and wellbeing, it ends up projecting onto the client and presenting a poor example for them. Time management is one of the best tools for setting yourself up for success.

We put together five tips to help you manage your time better:

  1. Choose whether you’re a morning or a night person

The fitness industry often rises and sets with the sun, meaning there is no 9-5 working day. Whether you provide classes at 5am or 10pm, a consistent schedule will prevent you from burning out. Do not let your clients consume your planning and administration time, adapt it to your needs and manage it the way you want. One of the best strategies is to set yourself up either for the morning or the night. Doing both at the same time often proves to be dysfunctional, as a full night’s sleep cannot be substituted with an afternoon nap. Thus, a consistent working schedule will help you keep a balance between your personal and professional time.

  1. Create an organized schedule

Organization of the sessions and appointments can be a nightmare if you’re not self-disciplined and organized. Treat your customers the way you want to be treated, thus, sparing them the issues of organizational and scheduling errors. Nowadays, with technological advancements, it’s easier than ever to organize and manage your entire business online. Using booking and management software's can ease and quicken the process of scheduling and all the tedious tasks that come along with it. Having an online calendar, with push notifications before each class and many similar features, can improve time management both for clients and yourself. Have everything accessible at the blink of an eye.

  1. Automate admin

Admin can be daunting and prevent productivity. Avoid the doom and gloom by implementing a booking platform to streamline the whole administrative process of running a sports training business. Automating repetitive and boring tasks can be a big time and error saver. Troubles with double-bookings, cancellations, waiting lists, can all be seamlessly managed without all the unnecessary stress. Save yourself and your team from death by admin.

  1. Sustain focus & attention

Cramming yourself with as many sessions and clients as possible can lead to overload and poor performance. Time is the most valuable resource and spending it wisely is an important decision. In order to sustain productivity and provide your clients with your best performances, it’s important to value your time and energy. Allowing yourself buffer time in your schedule will give you the opportunity to take (small) breaks between clients and sessions, deal with problems, and most importantly just relax. Avoid the stress of running out of time when you have a busy schedule. Your clients will appreciate you not rushing them as well.

  1. Learn to say NO

As difficult as it is, you need to learn to say no to tasks that obstruct the possibility to grow your business. If you always try to please your clients, shifting around your schedule to fit their preferred session times, you will never end up optimizing your time and setting up a consistent schedule. When you take on too many or the wrong things, you waste time, energy, and money and distract yourself from your end goal. As a consequence, out of frustration, you might start disliking your profession and clients. Setting clear boundaries and knowing the worth of your time is the key to success in this hectic industry.

Learning how to maximize your time every day is critical for any profession and one of the essential reasons to effectively manage your time is to avoid feeling burned out. Schedules for trainers are demanding, so make time for yourself to slow down and relax when planning your weekly schedule to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Feeling energized and happy while conducting sessions will make a big difference for your clients. Use these time management principles to help guide you towards reaching your goals.