How can a mobile application help customer retention?


One of the main challenges for fitness studios is to develop customer loyalty. Digital technology is omnipresent, so it is important to use it to develop customer loyalty! One of the easiest ways to do this is through the mobile application. It will allow your customers to easily book their lessons, buy your products and overview everything easily and directly on their smartphone.

Push notifications are very important! All your messages will be sent directly via the app, so your customers will receive a notification on their phone, so they can't miss it unlike emailing campaigns. But be careful not to send too many notifications, it would produce the opposite effect.

The applications will allow you to collect a maximum of customer data. This data will help you to personalize the messages sent to your subscribers. For example, you can collect the physical location which will allow you to carry out marketing campaigns only for people located in a specific area. You can also have access to members' behavior on the app, which will allow you to see which pages users visit the most, which will allow you to adapt your communication and loyalty strategy and to highlight the most visited pages of the application and understand the customer journey. Thanks to the data collected via an application, you will be able to detect the members who are no longer active in your studio or who are likely to go to a competitor.

A mobile application also gives you access to important indicators, in fact, it allows you to follow :

  • The number of downloads
  • The number of users who have uninstalled the application
  • The duration of sessions which indicates the time spent on the application
  • The number of active users
  • The revenue per user which represents the average spend per user

This will allow you to adapt your loyalty strategy according to the results obtained.

You don't know how to create your own application? Top tier booking and management platforms like Bsport create applications for studios as part of their offering. The best part about having your booking service create your app is the handling of the updates, communication with app stores, and all the connections to your booking platform. Click here to learn more.